Sudo Su And Run Command In One Line

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Are you tired of always having to enter your password whenever you run a Sudo command in Linux? Well, you're in luck because there is a way to run Sudo commands without having to enter a password!

First, let's break down what Sudo commands are. Sudo is a command that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, such as the superuser. This is especially useful for tasks that require root or administrative access.

However, the downside is that every time you run a Sudo command, you are prompted to enter your password. This can become quite tedious, especially if you need to execute multiple Sudo commands in a short amount of time.

So, how do you bypass entering your password every time you execute a Sudo command? The solution is to modify the sudoers file in Linux. The sudoers file is the configuration file that determines who can run Sudo commands.

To modify the sudoers file, use the command "sudo visudo" in the terminal. This will open the file in the vi editor. Scroll down to the line that says "# User privilege specification" and add the following two lines:

your_user_name ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

Make sure to replace "your_user_name" with your actual username. This line allows your user to run any Sudo command without having to enter your password.

After saving and closing the sudoers file, you can now run Sudo commands without being prompted for a password. It's important to remember that this can pose a security risk, as anyone who gains access to your user account can run these commands without a password.

In conclusion, modifying the sudoers file is a convenient way to run Sudo commands without having to enter a password every time. It can save you time and increase productivity, but remember to use this feature with caution and only on secure systems.

Sudo su and run command in one line

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